New Arrivals

Top Medical Equipments Available

  • Uptime Optimisation

    Biomed Technology Service helps increase uptime by constantly monitoring the equipment through a combination of digital tools, a team of skilled engineers and a robust parts infrastructure.

  • Data Optimisation

    Biomed Technology Service offers users dashboards that extract intelligent insights from data to take better decisions.

  • People Optimisation

    Investing in building the capability of your team is critical in taking their performance to the next level. Biomed Technology has invested in the creation of Health Care Institutes across the country to use education in optimising asset utilisation & driving customer outcomes.

  • Biomed TechnologyServices

    Product applications training: For technicians with the objective of improving asset utilisation to drive both productivity & quality of scans. Digital tools like AppsLinq* provide remote applications support when needed. Tip-ED Online* videos help in imparting training at the convenience of the technicians.